Monday, September 18, 2006

TOILET training *sigh*

You'd think that all mothers are women right? AAAA WRONG!! If they were dont you think they'd teach their boys some bathroom manners and etiquette? But oh no, heylll noooo.. God forbid men actually got things in THAT department right!!

Lemme explain my fellow roaches and ladies..

When you go to the loo etiquette demands you do a few things as listed below -

a) Dont crush the toothpaste tube from the center?! You slowly keep pushing it from the bottom to the top and fold it in.. Its neater and logical to use it less like a king of the jungle as opposed to a reformed urban creature

b) If the bathroom smells while you occupy or leave it then use the damned air freshner!!! There's a reason we are ready to die of global warmingas opposed to stench nauseating!!

c) Please for the love of God don't leave bits of shaving foam/cream in the sink to get crusty till the next person occupies it and goes eww with the stubs accumulata!! Ewwwww?

d) Boys Boys Boys - the easiest way to get a woman to leave is by leaving the toilet seat up!! And why in hell's name do you swonk it up when you are done excreting? In your genetic code to be jerks eh? And please remember when the woman leaves it means - no one opening doors for you when you forget keys, nobody giving you your food or checking the status of your clothes and the most important no SEX! Got your attention? good!!

e) There's a reason there are two towels in the bathroom and two loofahs.. Pink clearly is not my color but its to tell you back the $%^& off my towel!! I might exchange seminal fluids but that DOES NOT mean we use the same towel or loofah!! Or would you like me using ur toothbrush?

f) Please close the damned lids of the products you use.. Obviously you wouldn't know hither from thither so why are you hell bent on ruining my cherished goods? Do you hate me so?

g) SWITCH OFF the water heater once use is done.. SWITCH OFF the a/c once you have exited the room!! Electricity is not a free or subsidised commodity the last time I checked..

h) Stop taking my section of the newspaper to the toilet and ruinin my crisp paper I look forward to :-( I can't help but imagine booger droppings, and the other various colorful things that the paper mustve been through :-(

i) DRY yourself (OK this doesnt affect anyone but the jerks but still)!! What kind of neandrethal would partially dry himself cos that way he stays cool and airy? Really which madcap sells you these wacky theories?

And I am a mother who is a woman!! My 2 yr old has the toilet seat DOWN!! Loves the lavender (stop makin fun of him? he's 2 ya'know) air freshner and hates tubes and bottles left open.. Loves to see sparkling clean bathrooms else he refuses to go defecate.. Now thats what you guys should be like!!

Paleolithic Creatures!!


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