Friday, September 08, 2006

He-man Hero

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

That's the song that's been running through my head all evening.. Aah pure bliss.. When my man has his arms around me protectively, suggestively barricading the world off of me, when I'm nestled in the grip of his wide chest and soft embrace, I feel like I'm home.. It transcends every thought, every fear, every feeling and makes me feel like - makes me feel like - yes, makes me feel like a hero..

He had that look in his eyes today ya'know? The look I've been searching for in his eyes for so long now.. Of appreciation, of admiration, of camaraderie, of equality, but most of all - the primeval look a neanderthal gives his woman :-) I'm his and I submit to him each time he reigns over my heart and soul.. He fascinates me when he comes to my wavelength to decipher where my mind has wandered off to this time..

Yes today was pure bliss but like always short lasted.. He's leavin on a jet plane and I know he'll be back in a week maybe 10 days, but this wait just kills me to collapse into him all over again.. I don't want to complain of back pain, I don't want to shower and have him not kiss my the back of my neck, I don't want to wash my hair and not have him sigh at the whiff of it spraying through him, I don't want to wear my eyeliner when he's not staring into the mirror wondering what it is I am going to do to tantalize him today, I don't want to wear my high heels to match up to his height to kiss me, I don't want to tie my scarf or wear my ring for him not to adorn it..

I only want to have him near all the time.. And today I wish with all my might that tonight will last forever like every other night, every other night that doesn't seem to end because of his absentia..

P.S: jaan, if you're reading this - I love you..

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