Saturday, October 07, 2006


So I guess my cousin was right when he exclamated to the point of audio dysfunction (on my part of course) that India is inhabitable and his 2 yr old would fall desperately ill in a land of (perverse adjectives used here which you are at liberty to inject).

The Dad was doin his lil thing of shufflin himself between countries and metro's as usual recently and suddenly the 3 month old viral which seemed to be playin a cat n mouse game with him grew into s'thing that made his system collapse.. The dude thinks he is is Superman at a ripe old age of 65 and doesn't think it important enough to inform family.. Lo n behold he lands up at the most hated of all joints - HOSPITAL!!!!! The formaldehyde could give me a heart attack if not all the cheese that I manage to consume (Ze hub thinks I consume cheese enough for a small continent :-( ) So off gets tossed the well laid travel plans and get a zoom in ze arse and I ze one that seems to use air travel as local commute hop on to an aircraft and reach ze boss-man.. The minute I land I am greeted with ze secretary's secretary (I know I still chuckle at the sound of this job title ;-) ) and the man-friday with the driver.. They inform me of the dilapidated state and there I see my Great Wall of China in a state I don't recognize.. Surely, my eyes couldn't have started blurring at such an awkward moment in time.. But I wasn't wearing my spectacles maybe that was it..

I felt the face and the hands with my bare palms.. They didn't even turn pinkish slightly and the face was gaunt.. I hate realities especially hard-hitting ones.. I was informed - dengue combined with excessive fatigue from over-exertion.. I was told low platelet count.. I was briefed in a hush hush manner the temper swings, the lack of conversation and the 5 minutes of monologue was all the speak that was uttered as the day elapsed.. Not good not good.. Strange people, strange things, strange environment.. I wanted mom.. I wanted home.. I wanted to be the weaker one and have things fixed magically like the tooth fairy giving me money for a damned broken tooth..

Goddammit where are all the magical creatures when you need one? I think the world should be a Harry Potterish place where goblins exist side by side with one toothed witches and wizards.. And the genie with his magic carpet can zoom me off anywhere..

Yes I was slightly schizophrenic and now they've entered majorly delusional into my medical chart too.. Yeay what fun!! Dontcha think so?

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