Declaration of WAR
Let history remain as a witness to the end of tyranny by *you* - Yes I no longer wish to submit to your will.. Its the end of your world as we know it so darling brace yourself!!
I forbid you to force me to go into my silent flighty mode - you need to be cordial with me at all times no matter how selfish this may seem. I return the favor (well most times anyway)..
I am non-confrontational but this does not mean you let millenia pass between us with unresolved issues festering at the brim.. I can don the hat of a snake with poison flowing with my tide.. Keep it ebbing at the bay is a job function in your job description..
I would love to kick your ass at least a 100 times a day considering how you enrage me.. Please make the desired goods available for the purpose of kicking as and when I desire..
I hate being misunderstood and you make it your job to do so continually!! I love you - that will not change.. It is etched in stone and that just goes to say I love everything about you (well lets not push luck and test the waters at this point).. So stop portraying things I say in a negative light..
I am the biggest proponent of 'quality time'.. If I find it being raided upon by others make sure you know you have to equip yourself to deal with a woman in full fury mode because I shall consider that I have been scorned!
I hate my privacy being encroached on.. By you or by reasons attested to you.. If I feel parts of me get to be in public domain without my assent or knowledge I will make sure you remain in a perpetual state of screwdom for the rest of my lifetime..
I don't like being told what to do.. I am a full fledged adult.. Just because I have cut my claws and tamed myself down don't fool yourself into thinking I have become docile.. I hate the ultra glorious delicate Eve.. I am a strong independent woman.. Treat me with the due respect before I concrete your upper orifice shut..
I hold the right to increase this list as my will may deem.. This is not the end of this battle.. I can and will badger you in the future.. Accept it graciously and let me win.. I still believe in chivalry?!